On Friday, September 25, 2020 from 7-9 pm, SONG Power had a Graham Crackin’ Hoe Down, a virtual Country music fest.
SONG Power is working to take down Lindsey Graham, break up the power of the right and organize towards a South Carolina where Black, Brown, rural, LGBTQ, and working class South Carolinians can live free from fear.
Featured in Hoe Down line up are: Chloe Smith, of Rising Appalachia, Narissa Bond, Lucas Sams/Pray for Triangle Zero, Ken Gregory, H.C. McEntire, Aaron Kemmerer, Nana Grizol, Grace Nichols, Loamlands, Leila McCalla and Lee Bains of Lee Bains + Glory Fires.
The event was live at 7 p.m. and was hosted on SONG Power’s Facebook Page and YouTube channel.