SONG’s and SONG Power history to build out our power-building arsenal:

SONG began building out and formalizing our membership structure.
SONG hired four part-time organizers to go “find our people” in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Alabama.
SONG began building out our direct action organizing campaign arm.
SONG launched our first Free From Fear Campaign in Durham, NC. Read more about our Free From Fear Campaigns here.
Before the election, SONG members, comrades and staff collectively created the message of “Dream, Vote, Organize: Our Lives Depend On It.” Across the South, members placed thousands of yard signs in their communities with this mandate. Many of the signs remain, slightly tattered but deeply neon and deeply queer. Read more about our “Dream, Vote, Organize” tactic here.
SONG rolled out Electoral Experiments in Birmingham, AL and Nashville, TN. Read more about the Electoral Experiments here.
In 2020, we launched SONG Power, a new power-building and advocacy organization to build on and expand SONG’s organizing work
Many of our targets are elected. They can and must be held accountable. Our constituency (the people impacted by the issues we organized around — ending pre-trial detention and melting ICE) is huge, even though our organization may seem small. We must build our base.